A majority of patients with autism spectrum disorders are known to be deficient in both melatonin and zinc. These essential nutrients maintain the health of the developing gut and nervous system, and deficiencies of these nutrients are likely to cause and/or contribute to many of the signs and symptoms of ASD. Melascend® is a unique combination of melatonin and zinc, that your doctor can use to determine if your child is deficient in these nutrients, and if so, the product is designed to correct these deficiencies.

Melascend® is a unique combination of melatonin and zinc, that has been compounded with specific inert ingredients that specifically targets the liver, where these two nutrients allow the liver enzymes to work properly.  By delivering melatonin and zinc directly to the liver, it prevents them from being diluted in the blood, and also prevents them from acting at other locations (like the brain) where side-effects otherwise might be experienced (like drowsiness).